Thursday, April 3, 2008

Quick note...

Hey all, so I just wanted to write a quick post to emphasize the fact that what I post on my blog is my opinion. Not fact, opinion. It's my perspective on things, and if I'm extremely dramatic about it (like my last post), it's because I've chosen a particular tone for that piece of writing on purpose.

There are other urban explorers out there who know much, much more than me about their hobby, and that knowledge comes with experience. I have experienced plenty; it's definitely not enough to say that I'm an expert on urban exploration, but it IS enough to say that I am passionate about it. I don't claim to know everything; if you don't agree with me, fine. Disagreement is a good thing-- it's what makes us figure out the world NOT just according to our own perspectives.

I guess what I really want to say is that don't take my posts too seriously, don't think I am trying to speak for the entire urban exploration community, and respect the fact that this is my own perspective on it. When I refer to explorers as "we" in my writing, I do so NOT because I claim to speak for the entire community, but because it sounds better in creative writing, especially if you are describing an underground hobby. Underground ANYTHING always creates a world of "we" vs. "you" or "us" vs. "them"-- and I would sound like a stuck up know it all if all I talked about was "I did this, I am an explorer, I I I I I....".

"We" really creates a sense of there being another world, another community separate from the rest of society, which urban exploration is, in a sense. I want to portray that in my writing, so I use a plural pronoun instead of always talking about myself. I want to shift the focus away from myself and direct attention towards urban exploration as an art, a hobby and a community of explorers. The last thing I want this blog to be is me rambling on about myself and all the 'interesting' things I do all day-- there are already too many blogs about that. I DO like to write about my perspectives, which is different from just talking about myself all the time.

I hope everyone reading this understands what I mean-- and any urbexers reading this, don't think I'm trying to be a spokesperson for all of you, because I'm not.


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